K 1.7.2021 Quark uvoľnil novú verziu svojho legendárneho DTP programu (a najnovšie aj nástroja pre digitálne publikovanie) QuarkXPress. Zoznam najdôležitejších noviniek a trailer video je tu:
Empower Your Creativity with QuarkXPress 2021: |
Apply interactive elements to PDF documents, no matter the source. Enjoy precise and dynamic multi-layer control. Embed images into your documents without needing linked folders. Import SVG images and export them to HTML5 publications. Work effectively and efficiently using our large pasteboard. Easily create immersive designs with drag and drop building blocks – no coding skills necessary. Add interactive elements: video, animations, slideshows, GIFs, and more. Still, no coding skills needed. Manage fonts at the application and document level. Create publications with different page sizes and orientations in the same layout. |